Hip Flexor - Kneeling

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 4-10 Reps, 15-20 Dur

Beginner Quads Hip Flexors Stretching Body Only Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise stretches your quads.

Benefits: This exercise improves the flexibility and mobility of the quads, with focus on the rectus femoris.

Kneel on a mat. Place your right foot on the floor with the lower leg perpendicular to the floor. That is the right knee is straight above your right foot. Extend your left leg behind you so that the top of the left foot is resting on the floor and the knee is straight. Slowly move your right knee out in front of your right foot, feeling a good stretch in your hip. Breathe normally. Pause for a count of 15. Repeat this exercise for the other leg. Place your left foot on the floor with the lower leg perpendicular to the floor. That is the left knee is straight above your left foot. Extend your right leg behind you so that the top of the right foot is resting on the floor and the knee is straight. Slowly move your left knee out in front of your left foot, feeling a good stretch in your hip. Breathe normally. Pause for a count of 15.

The quads is a muscle group that is composed of four separate straight muscles that all act to extend the knee. One of these muscles (rectus femoris) also helps to bend the hip.

Step 1

Kneel on mat, right knee over right foot and left leg straight behind you with top of foot on floor.


Kneel on a mat. Place your right foot on the floor with the lower leg perpendicular to the floor. That is the right knee is straight above your right foot. Extend your left leg behind you so that the top of the left foot is resting on the floor and the knee is straight.

Step 2

Move your right knee out in front of your right foot.


Slowly move your right knee out in front of your right foot, feeling a good stretch in your hip. Breathe normally. Pause for a count of 15.

Step 3

Kneel on mat, left knee over left foot and right leg straight behind you with top of foot on floor.


Place your left foot on the floor with the lower leg perpendicular to the floor. That is the left knee is straight above your left foot. Extend your right leg behind you so that the top of the right foot is resting on the floor and the knee is straight.

Step 4

Move your left knee out in front of your left foot


Slowly move your left knee out in front of your left foot, feeling a good stretch in your hip. Breathe normally. Pause for a count of 15.